Say Goodbye to slow APIs with FastAPI

8 minute read

Do you want to create high-performance APIs with minimal code? If so, use FastAPI for your next project.

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FastAPI is a fast and lightweight framework for building web APIs in Python. It is built on top of Pydantic and Starlette. Pydantic enables automatic data validation. Starlette is a framework for building async web services in Python.

The speed of the FastAPI framework is comparable to Node.js and Go. This is due to the use of the asynchronous programming model and the use of modern Python functions.

In this post, we will introduce the basics of FastAPI and show how to build a FastAPI application. The steps are the following:

  • Technical requirements
  • What is FastAPI?
  • Build a FastAPI application
  • Conclusion

Technical requirements

You will need the following prerequisites:

What is FastAPI?

FastAPI is a modern, powerful and lightweight web framework for creating APIs with Python. The web framework has the following seven key features:

  • Fast: It is a very high-performance framework, comparable with Node.js and Go, thanks to Starlette and Pydantic. Two amazing Python frameworks! In addition, it allows you to increase your development speed.
  • Reduced number of bugs: It reduces the errors induced by developers.
  • Intuitive: Great editor support, completion everywhere and less time debugging.
  • Straightforward: It is designed for easy and uncomplicated use. You spend less time reading docs.
  • Short: It minimizes code duplication.
  • Robust: It provides production-ready code.
  • Standard-based: It uses the open standards for APIs (OpenAPI and JSON Schema). It provides automatically generated interactive documentation based on OpenAPI.

FastAPI is a framework for developing RESTful APIs in Python. REST stands for representational state transfer. The REST architecture style is one of the most popular methods for creating APIs. If you are not yet familiar with the REST architecture style, you can read our article on this topic.

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Build a FastAPI application

Enough theory. Let’s jump into the practical part!

In the first step, you must create a folder called app. We put all our files in this folder.

Create a conda environment

It makes sense to create a virtual environment to keep your main system clean.

conda create -n fastapi-app python=3.9.12
conda activate fastapi-app

Install requirements

Now, you must create the following requirements.txt file in the app folder.



The requirements.txt includes the following Python packages:

  • fastapi: Web framework for building APIs with Python.
  • uvicorn[standard]: Uvicorn is an ASGI web server for Python. With [standard] you install uvicorn with minimal (pure Python) dependencies.

Next, you can install the requirements with the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This process takes a few seconds.

FastAPI application

Now, we are ready for coding! You can use the example presented here as a template for your first FastAPI app. If you are building large applications or web APIs, it makes sense not to put everything in a single file. Our FastAPI example doesn’t involve a lot of code, but we still made sure that the app is modular.

The project structure looks as follows:

├── app                   # "app" is a Python package
│   ├──       # this file makes "app" a "Python package"
│   ├──           # "main" module
│   └── routers           # "routers" is a "Python subpackage"
│       ├──   # makes "routers" a "Python subpackage"
│       ├──  # "companies" submodule
│       └── models        # "models" folder for Pydantic classes

The Python package app contains the file and the subpackage routers. The file is the entry point of the FastAPI app. The Python subpackage routers contains the definition of the endpoints. The models folder contains the Pydantic classes. More about this later.

In the following, we present all the files in detail.


This file is the entry point of the fastapi app.

import uvicorn   # ASGI Server
from fastapi import FastAPI
from routers.companies import company_router

APP_NAME = "FastAPI Template"

DESCRIPTION = "REST API Documentation for " + APP_NAME + ". The documentation was created using Open API Specification. "

app = FastAPI(
    title="REST API Documentation for " + APP_NAME,
        "name": APP_NAME

# add router

if __name__ == '__main__':'main:app', host='localhost', port=8000, log_level='info', reload=True)

First, we import the uvicorn and fastapi package. In addition, we import the company_router object. You declare path operations with a router (e.g. get, post or put endpoints). We assign the name of the app to the variable APP_NAME. The DESCRIPTION contains the description of the WebAPI. This description will also be displayed later in the interactive documentation. With FastAPI(), we create the app. We can also specify additional information like title, description, version or contact. With the statement include_router(), we add the company_router to the app. We start the app via the uvicorn server. We pass the following parameters to the server:

  • main:app: [name of the entry point file]:[name of the app]
  • host: IP adress
  • port: Port (e.g. 8000)
  • log_level: log information (e.g. info or debug)
  • reload: True or False


This file contains the classes.

from pydantic import BaseModel

class Company(BaseModel):
    Pydantic Class for REST-API
    isin: str
    name: str
    symbol: str

The file defines a Python class Company that inherits from BaseModel class from the pydantic module. BaseModel is a class that allows the easy creation of data models by specifying the fields and their corresponding types.

The Company class has three fields:

  • isin (type string): It represents the International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) of the company.
  • name (type string): It represents the name of the company.
  • symbol (type string): It represents the stock symbol of the company.

The BaseModel class can validate and ensure the passed data. This makes it easier to handle and manipulate data in Python code, especially when the data comes from external sources such as REST APIs.


This file contains the router for companies.

from fastapi import APIRouter, HTTPException
from typing import List
from import *

company_router = APIRouter(

# demo data
aapl = Company(isin="US0378331005", name="Apple", symbol="AAPL")
tsla = Company(isin="US88160R1014", name="Tesla", symbol="TSLA")
sq = Company(isin="US8522341036", name="Block", symbol="SQ")
pltr = Company(isin="US69608A1088", name="Palantir", symbol="PLTR")

company_list = [aapl, tsla, sq, pltr]

company_dict = {
    "US0378331005": aapl,
    "US88160R1014": tsla,
    "US8522341036": sq,
    "US69608A1088": pltr

@company_router.get("/", response_model=List[Company])
async def get_companies():
    return company_list

@company_router.get("/{company_isin}", response_model=Company)
async def get_company_by_id(company_isin: str):
    if company_isin not in company_dict:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Resource not found")
        company = company_dict[company_isin]
    return company

First, we import the two modules APIRouter and HTTPException from the fastapi package, and List from the typing package. We also import the Company class from the module.

Then, we create an instance of APIRouter called company_router with the prefix /companies and the tags ["companies"]. We can use the router to define routes and handlers for HTTP requests related to companies in a FastAPI app.

The prefix parameter sets the URL prefix for all the routes defined within the router. All routes within the company_router instance will have a URL starting with "/companies". The tags parameter is used to group related endpoints together in the FastAPI documentation.

In addition, we create some demo stock data. We create four instances of the class Company and assign them to the variables aapl, tsla, sq and pltr. Finally, we save these variables in a list and a dictionary.

Next, we define two HTTP GET endpoints with the company_router. The function get_companies() is asynchronous and handles incoming requests to the endpoint. The response is a list of Company objects, which will be automatically converted to JSON format. The second endpoint returns a company for a specific ISIN.

Start the app with following command:


Interactive documentation

The great thing about FastAPI is that it automatically creates interactive API documentation. FastAPI provides a Swagger and ReDoc UI. The documentation is based on the OpenAPI standard. OpenAPI defines a schema for your API.

A schema is an abstract description of the API. The API schema contains for example your API paths or the possible parameters. FastAPI automatically generates a JSON schema, a file named openapi.json. The schema includes the abstract description of your API with all possible paths. You can see the schema at:

Excerpt OpenAPI JSON Schema
Excerpt OpenAPI JSON Schema (Screenshot by authors)

The Swagger UI you can see at:

Interactive API documentation - Swagger UI
Interactive API documentation - Swagger UI (Screenshot by authors)

The ReDoc you can see at:

Interactive API documentation - ReDoc
Interactive API documentation - ReDoc (Screenshot by authors)

The OpenAPI schema is the basis for the two interactive documentation systems. You can also use OpenAPI Schema to automatically generate code for clients. The clients can then communicate with your API (e.g. frontend, mobile or IoT applications).


In this article, you have learned how you can create a FastAPI application. We have also shown you how to build large modular applications. You can use the FastAPI template presented here as the basis for your first API project in Python.

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